
This structure implements scheme 6.2 thom the http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~nahum/w6998/papers/sosp87-timing-wheels.pdf

It supports several primitives: 1. schedule timer in the future. 2. cancel timer. 3. time step (advance) - all timers expired at current time tick are extracted from wheels. Each operation take O(1) time.


Undocumented in source.



alias Ticks = ulong
Undocumented in source.


auto advance(ulong ticks)

Adnvance wheel and return all timers expired during wheel turn.

void cancel(T timer)

Cancel timer

void schedule(T timer, ulong ticks)

Schedule timer to future

int ticksUntilNextEvent()

count "empty" ticks - slots without events. If you have empty ticks it is safe to sleep - you will not miss anything, just wake up at the time when next timer have to be processed.

Duration timeUntilNextEvent(Duration tick)

Time until next scheduled timer event.


1 import std;
2 globalLogLevel = LogLevel.info;
3 auto rnd = Random(142);
5 /// track execution
6 int  counter;
7 SysTime last = Clock.currTime;
9 /// this is our Timer
10 class Timer
11 {
12     static ulong __id;
13     private ulong _id;
14     private string _name;
15     this(string name)
16     {
17         _id = __id++;
18         _name = name;
19     }
20     /// must provide id() method
21     ulong id()
22     {
23         return _id;
24     }
25 }
27 enum IOWakeUpInterval = 100; // to simulate random IO wakeups in interval 0 - 100.msecs
29 // each tick span 5 msecs - this is our link with time in reality
30 enum Tick = 5.msecs;
31 TimingWheels!Timer w;
33 auto durationToTicks(Duration d)
34 {
35     return d/Tick;
36 }
37 void process_timer(Timer t)
38 {
39     switch(t._name)
40     {
41         case "periodic":
42             writefln("@ %s - delta: %sms (should be 50ms)", t._name, (Clock.currTime - last).split!"msecs".msecs);
43             last = Clock.currTime;
44             counter++;
45             w.schedule(t, durationToTicks(50.msecs)); // rearm
46             break;
47         default:
48             writefln("@ %s", t._name);
49             break;
50     }
51 }
53 //
54 // start one arbitrary timer and one periodic timer
55 //
56 auto some_timer = new Timer("some");
57 auto periodic_timer = new Timer("periodic");
58 w.schedule(some_timer, durationToTicks(32.msecs));
59 w.schedule(periodic_timer, durationToTicks(50.msecs));
61 while(counter < 10)
62 {
63     auto randomIoInterval = uniform(0, IOWakeUpInterval, rnd).msecs;
64     auto nextTimerEvent = max(w.timeUntilNextEvent(Tick), 0.msecs);
65     // wait for what should happen earlier
66     auto time_to_sleep = min(randomIoInterval, nextTimerEvent);
67     writefln("* sleep until timer event or random I/O for %s", time_to_sleep);
68     Thread.sleep(time_to_sleep);
69     // if we waked up early by the IO event then timeUntilNextEvent will be positive
70     // otherwise it will be <= 0 and we have something to process.
71     while(w.timeUntilNextEvent(Tick) <= 0.msecs)
72     {
73         auto ticks = w.ticksUntilNextEvent();
74         auto wr = w.advance(ticks);
75         foreach(t; wr.timers)
76         {
77             process_timer(t);
78         }
79     }
80     // some random processing time
81     Thread.sleep(uniform(0, 5, rnd).msecs);
82 }
